Allen Black

Allen Black is listed under Eliza Black’s household on the 1870 Census for Elizabeth City County, Virginia. [1] His age is recorded as 14 on the census, his occupation is listed as “oysterman,” and he is probably one of Eliza’s children. Based on this information, Allen would have been about 6 years old when Eliza Black likely escaped from Sherwood Forest in Charles City with five of her children, all under the age of 15, in May 1862. [2] Read about Eliza Black to learn more about her escape from bondage.

[1] 1870 U.S. Census, Elizabeth City County, retrieved from,

[2] Julia Gardiner Tyler to Commanding Officer, U.S. Forces at Jamestown and Williamsburg, 30 May 1862, Transcripts, Sherwood Forest Plantation Foundation, Charles City County, Virginia.