Alexander Black

Alexander was married to Eliza Black. This may be the same Eliza listed in the Freedmen’s Bureau at Fort Monroe in 1865. John Tyler’s second wife, Julia Gardiner Tyler, wrote the following description of Eliza and Alexander’s marriage in 1846:

“In my next letter I will try and give Margaret an account of Eliza’s wedding, who is now Mrs. Alexander Black. It happened on Saturday night and was the greatest frolic,—such a feast, and such an excellent parson as Taz made—and such fiddling and dancing, playing on the bones and triangle. It was very grand in the eyes of the company, which numbered very large.” [1]

Julia refers to her sister Margaret and her step-son Tazewell “Taz” Tyler in this excerpt. Alexander may have lived at a different plantation from Sherwood Forest.

[1] Julia Gardiner Tyler to Juliana Gardiner, 10 Feb. 1846, Tyler Family Papers, Group A. Special Collections Research Center, College of William & Mary.