
John Tyler sold Christiana and her mother, Aggy, to his brother-in-law, Henry Curtis, in 1816. [1] Christiana is likely the child listed alongside Aggy in Judge John Tyler’s 1813 Inventory. [2] Based on this information, Christiana was probably born around 1810, but like many other people enslaved by the Tylers, we do not know her exact date of birth. John Tyler may have sold Christiana and her mother for any number of reasons, which are detailed in relation to the case of Tyler’s sale of another person named Ann Eliza. Further research into Henry Curtis’ estate may reveal more information about Aggy and Christiana.

[1] Bill of Sale, 1 Jan. 1816, Henry Curtis Papers, Virginia Historical Society.

[2] Inventory of Judge John Tyler, Charles City County Will Book 2 (1808-1824), Library of Virginia, pp. 260-262.